What To Do If Your Dental Crown Comes Loose or Breaks

Tooth knocked out from traumaIf your dental crown comes loose or breaks, there are some important steps that you should take to care for your tooth properly. A broken or loose crown is a serious dental issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible to prevent further pain and possible infection.

What To Do If Your Dental Crown Comes Loose or Breaks

The first thing that you need to do is call your dentist to make an urgent appointment. Explain on the phone what has happened and ask to be seen as soon as possible. Occasionally, you can be seen on the same day. Don’t delay calling your dentist; the sooner you’re seen, the less damage to your tooth or crown.

If your crown is loose, don’t attempt to remove or repair it. Chew on the other side of your mouth and take care not to dislodge it. Let your dentist know as soon as possible to avoid further damage to your crown and your tooth.

If your dental crown breaks, salvage what pieces you can and make sure that you bring them to your dental appointment. Don’t remove any of the broken crown remaining on your tooth yourself; this could further damage your tooth and cause infection or more issues down the line. You can store the pieces in a small sealed sandwich bag to avoid losing any pieces.

If you are having pain due to your loose crown or broken crown, use a cotton swab with a bit of clove oil on it to apply to the sensitive area of the tooth. You can find clove oil in your local pharmacy or in the spice aisle of your local grocery store.

If you’re still having pain, you may also wish to consider using an ice pack on that side of your cheek. Some people may prefer to use heat, such as a heating pad, or hot pack, to alleviate the pain.

Avoid eating hard foods that may further damage your tooth; this should include not eating nuts or other foods that may further damage your tooth. Avoid biting into foods such as whole apples that may also further damage the tooth. Cut them into smaller pieces, and make sure to chew on the other side of the damaged or broken dental crown.

These tips should help ease your pain and discomfort should you break a dental crown or lose one. The sooner you take action, the sooner you’re going to recover.

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