How To Save A Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth is an unpleasant experience and one most people don’t want to deal with. However it can happen from time to time.

For those who are in this position, what can be done to save it?

1) Consult With Dentist Immediately

This is the first tip to consider and perhaps one of the most important ones you will hear about from anyone that sees your cracked tooth.

You want to consult with a Baltimore dentist and have the tooth diagnosed.

What will they be looking for?

1) Structural Damage To Tooth
2) Internal Damage Behind Tooth
3) Requirements To Resurrect Tooth Back To Normal

These are the three factors they are going to race through as soon as you come in.

If the cracked tooth just occurred, they will spend additional time to see if nerve damage has taken place.

2) Avoid Doing Additional Damage

This is the most important tip a person will need to consider at home. You cannot go ahead and start biting into an apple as it will aggravate the situation. The crack will increase or the tooth itself is going to fall off.

Don’t forget; a cracked tooth is vulnerable, and there might be lingering trauma underneath, which can’t be seen by the naked eye.

It is best to be assertive with your food choices and avoid biting into hard food items that are not easy on the teeth.

This is how you can save a cracked tooth and make sure it is rehabilitated back to how it used to be. A professional dentist will be able to bond the tooth and make sure it looks as good as new.

As long as you’re patient with this process and don’t hamper things by biting into a hard apple, the tooth will be brought back to shape as required.

Dental Emergencies That Need Immediate Attention

While some kinds of dental problems can wait until you get an appointment during regular office hours to get taken care of, there are others that simply need an emergency dental appointment in order to alleviate severe pain or reduce chances of permanent damage. Let’s go over a few of the different reasons why you might need an emergency call to the dentist office.

One problem that tends to happen to children quite often, but adults as well, is a chipped or broken tooth. Accidents and athletic events are quite often the cause of a broken tooth, but whatever the reason, there are some things you can do to help make things better. If possible, save any pieces of the broken tooth in warm water, while stopping bleeding in the mouth with sterile gauze. Don’t be alarmed if bleeding in the mouth lasts up to 10 minutes or more. Once the bleeding has stopped, use an ice pack to help keep the swelling down and head to the dentists office as soon as possible. Your dentist will need to examine the tooth to make an assessment of repairing or replacing it.

A similar problem is when a tooth gets entirely knocked out. If there is any tissue attached to the tooth do not disturb it, merely rinse the tooth in warm water. There are times when a tooth can be immediately replaced back into the gums in its original position where it will re-root itself and never have another problem. This should be attempted immediately if possible, however if not, save the tooth in a small cup of milk and head immediately to your emergency dentist, preferably within the hour.

These are several of the emergencies, that if possible, should go directly to an emergency dentist. Obviously, it is not always possible to get to an emergency dentist in Baltimore so an appointment should be made immediately the next day. Then the dentist can possibly salvage some of the broken or dislodged teeth. Either way medical advice should be sought in order to avoid other more serious complications.

The Types Of Dental Emergencies A Dentist Can Treat

Dental emergencies can be very frightening when they occur, simply because people don’t know what to do in such a situation. In determining what a dental emergencies really is, some factors must be taken into consideration, in order to get a dentist in Baltimore, MD out of bed at night for instance. The types of injuries that would qualify as a dental emergency must be defined.

A dental abscess can rear its ugly head very suddenly sometimes. It can be the result of poor dental care that has lasted over a period of time, and perhaps a cavity has been allowed to rot right through the pulp of the tooth. If the problem gets serious enough, the abscess can form, and it can become very serious in a hurry.

A lost filling may not seem serious at the time, but without the filling, the tooth is vulnerable to decay right away. If that situation occurs, the person should visit the dentist in order to have an assessment done to determine the severity of the situation. Then a decision can be expertly made as to treatment.

A broken, missing, or a chipped tooth, perhaps due to a sports injury or an accident should obviously be taken care as soon as possible. A misaligned tooth that is knocked loose, or knocked out of its socket would fall into this category as well. The issues here can be most serious, because it could involve the jaw and other parts of the mouth and facial bones. Each particular injury will have its own particularly specific treatment and repair strategy. A knocked out or a loose tooth, for example can be reinserted and braced, if the individual gets to the dentist soon enough.

Many people will avoid going to the dentist in an emergency situation because of the perceived cost, not realizing the long term effects that can occur, by ignoring the injury, particularly if the pain is not too great, or subsides.

What To Do To Save A Tooth That Was Knocked Out

Tooth knocked out from traumaA tooth can be knocked out when something strikes your face by accident. It can happen when you are playing sports, when you slip and fall, or when someone accidentally hits your mouth area at home or at work. Accidents can happen at any time. When your tooth is knocked out, it is important that you see us immediately so that we can save your tooth and replant it back into place.

Here is what you should do to preserve your tooth while you are en route to an emergency dentist in Baltimore

When your tooth is knocked out, find it right away to prevent it from getting damaged further. When you find it, pick it up carefully by its crown. It is important not to disturb the root or gum tissues that are still attached to the tooth because the tissues have cells that will be crucial to the successful replant of your tooth.

Very gently rinse your tooth with water to clean off the dirt. If there is milk available, rinse it in milk. If not, use only water, without any soap or other cleansers. Avoid scrubbing the tooth. You want to leave as much of the tissue on the root as possible. Do not dry your tooth with anything because it should stay wet.

Carefully try to put the tooth back into its socket by slowly inserting your tooth into it. Make sure that your tooth is facing the right way. Do not push too hard. Hold the tooth in place by gently biting down on it or by using your fingers. If your tooth cannot be reinserted, or if it cannot stay in position, put your tooth in a cup that contains a bit of milk or some of your saliva. This will keep the cells on your tooth alive long enough as you are making your way to our clinic. Do not just put your tooth in tap water because the cells on the roots will have less chance of survival in just plain water.

If available, put a cold compress against the outside of your face to control the swelling and to reduce the pain.

Try to get to a dental clinic within a half hour. The sooner you can, the better chance you will have in saving your tooth. An experienced Baltimore dentist will do everything possible to replant your tooth back into its rightful place.

What Types of Dental Emergencies Can Dentists Treat?

There are a number of dental emergencies that can arise at any time. It’s important to have them treated by a dentist as soon as possible, to prevent a worsening of the problem. This article describes a couple of emergencies that a dentist can treat.

You may go to sleep one evening, and wake up at 3 AM with a horrible toothache. Toothaches often strike when they’re least expected. Though you may need to remedy the situation yourself until morning, it’s important to find out what the cause is and have it taken care of.

Toothaches can come from cavities, small holes in the tooth, from not properly brushing and caring for your teeth. A dentist may treat this, by installing a filling in the tooth to keep irritants out. It may also be necessary to have a root canal, or to have the tooth extracted, and replaced with a bridge or implant.

You may have an accident or bite down on something hard, and have part of a tooth break off. It’s important to have a broken tooth looked at as soon as possible. Broken teeth can get infected or abscessed, causing serious health issues to occur if left untreated.

Broken or chipped teeth can sometimes be repaired by your dentist, depending on the health of your tooth. It may also be necessary to have the tooth extracted. Should you have pain or swelling around the affected area, it’s important to seek emergency treatment right away, and not wait for your dentist.

Toothaches and broken teeth can cause a lot of problems if they’re left untreated. Pain infection, and other mouth problems can arise by not getting the proper attention. If you’re experiencing any of the problems described in this article, call your Baltimore dentist, you’ll be glad you did.

What You Should Do If You Have A Broken Tooth?

Teeth are strong however they can break or chip probably due to biting into something hard, when you fall or if you are hit. When this happens you need to take the necessary steps to ensure that you do not lose your tooth completely. There are certain things that you should do once you break your tooth.

Immediately you break a tooth, it is essential to rinse your mouth with warm water. This removes any blood that may be in the mouth. After rinsing your mouth, if there is still some bleeding put a piece of gauze on the bleeding area until the bleeding stops.

Once you have stopped the bleeding, you can inspect the damage caused on the tooth. If it is a minor chip, which has led to removal of the enamel you may not need to see the doctor immediately. If however you have a cracked tooth that has exposed the nerves, you will need to see a dentist immediately. In the meantime, you can use a painkiller to reduce the pain you may be feeling.

If the tooth has been knocked out, you have to see a dentist immediately. This is because the dentist can be able to put the tooth back but this can only happen within 24 hours. You can transport the tooth by putting it down on the socket and biting on a piece of gauze or you can put it in a container with some milk or saliva. This is to ensure that the tooth remains alive during transportation.

How one should handle a broken tooth is different. The handling procedure and treatment will depend greatly on the damage. Extensive damage to the tooth means that you should see an urgent care dentist in Baltimore immediately after breaking the tooth.

The Best Way to Handle a Broken Tooth

dentist fixing broken toothIt’s a fairly common occurrence, you bite into something hard, then suddenly you feel a part of your to break loose and start mixing with the food in your mouth.

You could immediately feel guilty for biting into the hard food that you knew could be a problem, but more importantly exactly what you do in the case of your tooth?

If it turns out that you need expensive implants or surgery, that may be a little depressing. However, the only way you’re going to know for sure is by visiting a dentist for a consultation.

In most cases it’s important that you see your local Baltimore area dentist right away as there are complications that could arise from food entering and decaying below your gums. Also, in some cases there’s a possibility that if repaired immediately your tooth could be saved. Either way, it’s imperative to have a professional assess the damage and give you your options for repairing, fixing or removing what’s left of your tooth.

As far as your broken tooth is concerned, figuring out whether the root was damaged during the break is fairly important. If the root is exposed there is a possibility of extreme pain, requiring immediate attention by a dentist. Sometimes a partial exposure of the root won’t result in pain until the next time you eat or drink something hot or cold.

If you’re not able to get to your dentist immediately, it may be best to stick to softer foods that are neither extremely hot or cold, and avoid chewing on that particular side of the mouth. When you chew food it’s possible for food particles to be forced by hydraulic pressure deep below your gums in the area of your broken tooth. Rinsing your mouth with salty water can help disinfect, and clean your gums in the affected area.

At any rate, a chipped or broken tooth won’t be the end of the world. While it’s possible you may need an implant, most likely you won’t, and your dental professional will be able to repair the tooth in such a way so that no one will be the wiser.

If you have a broken tooth that needs to be repaired call us for emergency tooth repair in Baltimore.