Is Having a Bad Toothache Considered a Dental Emergency?

A woman suffering with a painful toothacheMany people wonder at what point a toothache is considered a dental emergency. It’s important to understand that the more severe your pain, the more important it is to seek proper dental care. Any toothache lasting longer than a day or two and causing pain and discomfort is considered a dental emergency. If you don’t seek proper care, the toothache will only worsen. You could have a broken tooth, a lost crown or filling, or even a broken tooth. Any of these conditions can leave you vulnerable to infection.

Is Having a Bad Toothache Considered a Dental Emergency?

If your tooth becomes infected, it may continue to deteriorate. As your infection progresses, the pulp supporting your tooth will begin to die. This will give you unbearable pain and discomfort. Eventually, your tooth will die or possibly fall out on its own. It’s important to understand that anytime you have a tooth infection, you may be subject to further infections, such as your sinus cavities and other areas of your body. It’s important to understand that an infection can rapidly spread, making you feel sick overall, and this can possibly cause even more damage to your health.

Your toothache is especially urgent if you have a fever along with your pain. This is a sign that infection has likely set in, and the infection can cause further damage to your tooth, surrounding teeth, gums, and the rest of your body. Your dentist can evaluate your tooth and recommend the best procedure for you to keep your tooth as long as possible. If you lose your teeth, you will have to have dentures or an implant; both procedures can be very costly, so taking care of your teeth is important.

The sooner you seek help for your toothache, the less likely you are to have long-term health damage to your body. You may be able to save your tooth if you seek dental attention immediately. The longer you wait for proper treatment, the more likely you are to require further dental procedures that are far more expensive. You may risk having to have a root canal, a tooth extraction, and a course of antibiotics if you leave a painful toothache for too long. Proper dental care can greatly improve your overall health. The more pain you’re in, the more serious the emergency, so it’s best to get to your dentist right away. Call your dentist immediately to set up an emergency appointment in Baltimore if you have tooth pain.

Should You Call a Dentist If You Have Toothache?

A woman with toothache painA toothache refers to the pain that a person feels in and around their teeth and jaws. It is often the result of tooth decay, sensitive teeth, gingivitis, or breakdown of tooth enamel. And if a toothache is not treated, the pulp inside the tooth could become infected. So, a toothache could also mean the presence of a dental infection.

Should You See the Dentist If You Have Toothache?

A person should see a dentist if their tooth pain persists, have bleeding gums, redness occurs around their gums, inflammation increases, swelling occurs around their jaw or face, or they are feeling sick due to tooth pain. Also, if a person had recent trauma to their mouth or face, they should see the dentist.

Here is when a person should see a dentist if they have toothache:

Tooth Pain Persists

Persistent tooth pain is often the result of tooth decay. Once tooth decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, the person will experience a persistent toothache. The infection can spread into the gum tissue and the jawbone surrounding the decayed tooth. A dentist can help stop the infection from spreading.

A Sudden or Severe Toothache

Do not ignore a sudden or severe toothache! It could be a sign of an infection or tooth abscess. A tooth abscess occurs due to an injury, prior dental work, or untreated dental cavity. The infection can lead to bone loss in the jaw, and it can spread into the bloodstream. A dentist can drain the tooth abscess and get rid of the infection.

Tooth Sensitivity Worsens

Having sensitive teeth can lead to severe tooth pain. Sensitive teeth are usually the result of exposed tooth roots, cracked teeth, tooth decay, or worn tooth enamel. The person will experience sharp, temporary pain inside their teeth while eating, brushing, or even drinking. However, if teeth sensitivity worsens, they need to see a dentist.

See a Dentist to Treat the Tooth Pain

Home remedies can provide temporary relief for tooth pain. However, they might not stop the spread of the infection. Seeing a dentist in Baltimore can help treat the underlying cause of the toothache and stop the spread of the infection throughout the body. It is best to see a dentist to treat the cause of the tooth pain.

5 Signs That Indicate a Tooth Needs to Be Removed

A woman suffering with a painful toothacheMaintaining healthy teeth is crucial for your overall well-being, but in some cases, a tooth can become a daunting issue. While tooth extraction is no fun and is considered a last resort, there are some situations where it becomes necessary to prevent further complications. In this post, we are going to look at several telltale signs that your tooth needs to be pulled out.

5 Signs That Indicate a Tooth Needs to Be Removed

1. Severe Toothache

An extreme toothache that isn’t relieved by over-the-counter pain medication is a sign that something is wrong with the tooth. The pain may be constant or come and go, and it may be worse at night or when you bite down

2. Severe Tooth Decay

When left unaddressed, tooth decay can progress to a point where the tooth’s structural integrity is compromised. If your tooth has decayed to a level where the enamel, pulp, and dentin are damaged, it cannot be saved through conventional filling or root canal treatment. In such a case, extraction is the only viable solution.

2. Advanced Gum Disease

Also referred to as periodontitis, advanced gum disease can result in the loosening of teeth because of the deterioration of the supporting bone and tissues. If the bone loss is severe and your tooth becomes too unstable to stay in place, it is time to have it pulled out.

3. Irreparable Tooth Fractures

If a tooth fracture extends deep into the root, it can affect the tooth’s stability and cause severe pain. If the fracture is too extreme to be fixed through crowns or bonding, extraction may be required. This prevents infection and further discomfort.

4. Affected Wisdom Teeth

Also referred to as third molars, wisdom teeth usually do not have adequate space to emerge correctly, leading to impaction. This can result in pain, inflammation, and even infection. If left unaddressed (through extraction), they can also damage neighboring teeth, hurting your overall health.

5. Overcrowding and Orthodontic Treatment

In some situations, teeth need to be pulled out in order to make space for proper alignment during orthodontic treatment. Overcrowding can result in difficulty in cleaning, crooked teeth, and an increased risk of dental issues. As such, having a tooth pulled out can help achieve a straighter smile and healthier bite.

The Takeaway

The prospect of having your tooth extracted can be scary, but it is important to recognize the signs that show this procedure is necessary. Keep in mind that your dentist is the best individual to evaluate your oral health and recommend the right treatment. So, ensure you consult them and have regular dental check-ups in Baltimore.

Top Reasons to See an Emergency Dentist

Dental emergencies can happen at any time, often when you least expect them. Knowing when to seek immediate dental care from an emergency dentist can mean the difference between saving a tooth and facing more extensive treatment. In this article, we’ll discuss the top reasons to see an emergency dentist, detailing why each situation requires urgent attention.

Top Reasons to See an Emergency Dentist

Severe Toothache

A sudden, intense toothache can be a sign of a dental emergency. It may indicate an infection, abscess, or a deep cavity that has reached the nerve. An emergency dentist can diagnose the cause of the pain and provide immediate relief through treatments like root canal therapy or extraction if necessary.

Knocked-Out Tooth

A knocked-out tooth is a dental emergency that demands immediate action. If you act swiftly, there’s a chance the tooth can be re-implanted successfully. Rinse the tooth gently, place it back in the socket (if possible), or store it in milk and seek emergency dental care within 30 minutes for the best chance of saving the tooth.

Broken or Cracked Tooth

A broken or cracked tooth is vulnerable to infection and further damage. It can also be painful and compromise your ability to eat and speak. An emergency dentist can assess the extent of the damage and recommend treatments like dental bonding, crowns, or veneers to restore the tooth’s integrity and appearance.

Lost or Damaged Dental Restorations

If you lose a dental filling, crown, bridge, or any other restoration, it’s crucial to see an emergency dentist promptly. Leaving a tooth unprotected can lead to sensitivity, pain, and further dental issues. The dentist will repair or replace the restoration to ensure your tooth remains functional and healthy.

Gum and Soft Tissue Injuries

Injuries to the gums and soft tissues inside the mouth can result from accidents, falls, or trauma. Profuse bleeding, severe lacerations, or deep cuts warrant immediate dental attention. An emergency dentist can assess the injury, suture wounds if necessary, and ensure proper healing and infection prevention.

Swelling or Abscess

Facial swelling or a painful abscess on the gums can indicate a severe infection that requires immediate treatment. Dental infections can spread rapidly and potentially become life-threatening if left untreated. An emergency dentist will drain the abscess, prescribe antibiotics, and address the underlying dental issue.

Loose or Dislodged Teeth

If you have a loose or dislodged tooth due to trauma or injury, it’s essential to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible. They can stabilize the tooth and assess the extent of the damage. Depending on the situation, the dentist may recommend splinting or other treatments to save the tooth.

Foreign Objects Stuck in Teeth

If a foreign object, like a piece of food or an item, becomes stuck between your teeth and causes pain or discomfort, it’s essential to seek emergency dental care. Attempting to remove the object yourself can damage the tooth or worsen the situation. The dentist will safely remove the object and address any resulting damage.


Recognizing the signs of a dental emergency and seeking immediate care from an emergency dentist is crucial for preserving your oral health and preventing further complications. Whether you’re experiencing severe pain, trauma, or other urgent dental issues, don’t hesitate to contact an emergency dentist to receive the prompt and expert care you need. Early intervention can make all the difference in the outcome of your dental emergency.

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Treat Your Dental Abscesses Quickly To Avoid Severe Health Risks

A woman with facial swelling from a dental abscessDental abscesses can be extremely painful. An abscess appears when the roots of a tooth become infected. It is important to treat this condition right away or the infection could spread throughout your body.

An abscess forms when the roots or the space between two teeth becomes infected. If you do not take action, the infection could spread to nearby teeth. If you wait too long, the infection might spread to other parts of your mouth. There have been cases of infections spreading to other parts of the patient’s body because the abscess had been left untreated for a long time.

If You Have a Dental Abscess
You Need to See a Dentist Immediately!
Call Our Baltimore Dental Office Today

Dental abscesses are very painful and the pain can become worse if it is not treated. You can relieve the pain by taking aspiring, ibuprofen or by applying a cold compress to the area. These are only temporary solutions you can use while you wait for a dentist. You should never apply aspiring directly to the painful area or you could burn the gums and worsen the pain.

You should also avoid taking prescription medication, unless your doctor recommends you to. The best thing to do is to seek treatment rather than focusing on making the pain disappear. You should actively look for a dentist who can see you right away and not hesitate to drive to get to the nearest dentist who can see you. If you cannot find a dentist and the tooth is badly infected, your best option is to go to an emergency room.

Dental abscesses should be treated quickly to avoid complications. Abscesses can be prevented by adopting a good hygiene and by meeting with a dentist twice a year to have your teeth cleaned and inspected. Do your best to prevent abscesses and take action quickly if you develop one to prevent the infection from spreading.

If you have facial swelling, gum pain, and/or a severe toothache you may have an abscess. If these symptoms are present call the dentists at right away.