What Will a Dentist Do To Treat a Toothache?

A woman with toothache painToothaches come in many different forms, but are usually a sign that something needs to be checked by a dentist. When it comes to what actually causes toothaches, some common ones are gum infections, cavities, teeth grinding, infections, cracked teeth, and damaged fillings.

What Can a Dentist Do for a Toothache?

A dentist will first perform an examination and ask about your symptoms. He/she may also take a dental X-ray to find out whether there are any issues going on beneath the gums. The dentist will then recommend a suitable treatment depending on the severity of your situation.

Here are the 3 most common dentist-prescribed treatments for toothaches:

I. Dental Filling

If a hole has already formed in the decayed tooth, the dentist will remove the decayed area using a drill and repair the hole using dental fillings. Blue wavelength light is then used to cure and hasten the hardening of the fillings. Finally, they will file and polish the tooth for a correct bite.

II. Root Canal

A root canal may be necessary if the tooth is infected or for a larger cavity. The dentist first numbs the patient and then drills the tooth until reaching the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. He/she then removes it and seals the tooth. A crown may also be placed over the affected tooth to protect it from further damage.

III. Tooth Extraction

Extracting a tooth can be an effective solution to prevent further infection. It’s also a common solution for a crowded mouth, especially with impacted teeth that require surgery. The procedure starts with local anesthetic being administered to numb the area. The dentist then rocks the tooth back and forth using forceps to remove it from the jawbone.

Final Thoughts

Toothaches are usually the result of a more serious oral problem that requires immediate attention. To treat a toothache, the dentist will first review your medical history and conduct an examination. After determining the cause, he/she will prescribe a suitable treatment.

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The Most Common Reasons for a Tooth Extraction

Emergency tooth extractionsWhile often seen as a last resort, tooth extraction becomes necessary in some situations. Among the several reasons that may necessitate a tooth extraction, one stands out as the most prevalent and this post will delve into the gist of things.

The Most Common Reason for Extraction: Severe Tooth Decay

Severe tooth decay, or advanced dental caries or cavities is the most frequent cause of tooth extraction. Dental caries, usually fueled by poor oral hygiene, sugary diets, and inadequate dental care, can lead to the gradual breakdown of the tooth’s structure. When the cavities penetrate the enamel and dentin, and reach the sensitive pulp inside, they can cause pain, inflammation, and even infection.

Why Does Severe Tooth Decay Lead to Extraction?

Once dental decay hits an advanced stage, the affected teeth are less likely to respond to less invasive treatments like root canals or filings. If the damage is at a point that affects the tooth’s structural integrity, extraction becomes the viable course of action to avoid further complications. Leaving a severely decayed tooth unaddressed can lead to issues like:

Pain & Discomfort– When the nerves within the tooth are exposed, it becomes sensitive to pain and sensitivity.

Infection– Bacteria can make their way to the pulp chamber, causing an infection that can spread to the surrounding areas.

Abscess Formation– An abscess is a pocket of pus that can develop at the root of the tooth, leading to extreme pain and inflammation.

How to Avoid Severe Tooth Decay

Preventing extreme tooth decay is vital in avoiding extraction. That said, here are simple but effective tips to keep your teeth healthy and free from cavities:

1. Brush Regularly– brush at least two times per day using fluoride toothpaste. This will help remove food particles and plaque, which left unattended can build up and cause decay.

2. Floss Daily– Flossing helps clean between teeth and in parts where your toothbrush cannot reach properly.

3. Watch Your Diet– Sugar feeds bacteria that aid in the development of cavities. So limit sugary foods and beverages and instead stick to a balanced diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

4. Regular Dental Check-ups– Having dental check-ups is recommended for detecting and treating cavities early enough. A great dentist will be able to identify potential issues before they escalate.

The Takeaway

Extreme tooth decay stands out as the prevalent reason for tooth extraction. Keep in mind that prevention is key to avoiding the need for tooth extraction and you can ascertain this by practicing good oral hygiene, visiting your dentist in Baltimore regularly, and maintaining a healthy diet.

A Guide On What To Do When You Break a Tooth

dentist fixing broken toothBreaking a tooth can be a painful and distressing experience. Whether it’s due to an injury, biting into something hard, or underlying dental issues, a broken tooth requires prompt attention to prevent further complications and maintain your oral health. In this article, we’ll address the causes of tooth breakage, its seriousness, the consequences of leaving it untreated, how to save a broken tooth, and the dental procedures available for repair.

What Can Cause a Tooth to Break?

A tooth can break for various reasons, including:

a) Trauma: Accidents, falls, or sports injuries can cause immediate tooth fractures.

b) Biting Hard Objects: Chewing on ice, hard candies, or unpopped popcorn kernels can lead to tooth breakage.

c) Tooth Decay: Untreated cavities weaken teeth, making them susceptible to breaking.

d) Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Consistent grinding or clenching of teeth can cause fractures over time.

e) Age and Wear: As you age, your teeth may naturally weaken, making them more prone to breakage.

Is a Broken Tooth a Serious Dental Condition?

Yes, a broken tooth is a serious dental condition. It can lead to several complications if not addressed promptly. The seriousness depends on the extent and location of the break, but potential issues include infection, pain, further damage, and even tooth loss.

What Happens if a Broken Tooth Is Left Untreated?

Leaving a broken tooth untreated can result in:

a) Infection: Bacteria can enter the tooth’s pulp, causing an abscess or spreading to nearby teeth.

b) Tooth Decay: An exposed inner portion of the tooth is vulnerable to decay.

c) Pain and Discomfort: A broken tooth can be extremely painful and may lead to ongoing discomfort.

d) Further Breakage: Without intervention, the break may worsen, potentially necessitating more extensive treatment.

Is It Possible to Save a Tooth That Has Broken?

Yes, it is often possible to save a broken tooth, but success depends on the severity of the fracture and how quickly you seek dental care. Early intervention is crucial for the best outcomes.

What Are the Top Tips for Saving a Broken Tooth?

When you break a tooth, follow these steps to maximize the chances of saving it:

a) Rinse Your Mouth: Gently rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area.

b) Save Tooth Fragments: If pieces of the tooth have broken off, collect them and keep them moist (in milk or saliva) until you can see a dentist.

c) Control Bleeding: Apply gentle pressure with gauze if there’s bleeding.

d) Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage pain until you receive dental care.

e) Seek Immediate Dental Care: Contact your dentist or an emergency dental clinic as soon as possible for professional evaluation and treatment.

Does a Broken Tooth Need to Be Pulled?

In most cases, a broken tooth does not need to be pulled. Dentists will explore options to save the tooth, such as dental bonding, a crown, or a root canal if necessary. Extraction is typically a last resort.

How Can a Dentist Repair a Broken Tooth?

Dentists have several methods to repair broken teeth, including:

a) Dental Bonding: This involves applying a tooth-colored resin to the broken area and shaping it to match the natural tooth.

b) Dental Crown: A crown is a cap that covers the damaged tooth, restoring its strength and appearance.

c) Root Canal: If the break extends into the pulp, a root canal may be necessary to remove infected tissue and preserve the tooth.

d) Dental Veneers: These thin shells can be applied to the front of the tooth to improve its appearance and strength.

e) Dental Implant: In cases where the tooth is severely damaged or cannot be saved, a dental implant may be recommended as a replacement.


A broken tooth is a dental emergency that requires immediate attention. While it can be a serious issue, timely intervention by a dentist can often save the tooth and prevent further complications. Remember to follow the top tips for managing a broken tooth, and consult your dentist in Baltimore for the most appropriate treatment plan to restore your oral health and smile.

Top Three Dental Emergencies

If you have ever had a toothache, and it is on a Saturday or Sunday, you might believe that you’re doomed to tolerate the pain until you can get to the dentist. It’s unfortunate that some people do live in rural communities where accessibility to 24-hour dentist services is simply not available. However, if you do live in an urban area like Baltimore, and there are many different dental practices that offer emergency services, you will be able to get the help that you need right away. Here are a few of the top dental emergencies that many people experience, the top three that can cause a significant amount of pain.

Dental Caries

These small areas on your teeth are actually bacteria, which represent the demineralization of the enamel on your teeth. It can create a significant problem if it is allowed to go too deeply into the tooth, which can cause a significant amount of pain. It won’t occur until the decay itself gets to the pulp of the teeth. At that point, inflammation will occur, and you will need to see a dentist right away.

Root Canals

A root canal is a very painful procedure in which the roots of your teeth are rendered inert. The dentist will have to cut into your tooth, sever the roots, and restore the tooth back to its normal appearance. When this occurs, it can create a significant amount of pain in your mouth, and swelling can definitely occur. The faster you are able to get this taken care of, the less pain you will experience.

Inflammation Of The Wisdom Teeth

If your wisdom teeth get inflamed, they may have to be extracted, which is a very painful process. In the same way that regular teeth can cause discomfort when cavities are in them, if pericoronitis has set in, and the tooth is partially erupted, the pain can be quite severe. By finding a dentist in Baltimore for any one of these three problems, one that offers emergency services, you can get the help that you need to make the pain go away.

Steps To Take When Emergency Dental Situations Arise

All of us have experienced a feeling from time to time of great discomfort in our mouth. It could be the result of a cavity that has suddenly got to the point where the nerves of the teeth are now affected. Unless you have a root canal, or if you repair the teeth by fixing the cavity that is there, you will experience continual pain until you visit the dentist, something that many people often find themselves needing right away. When dental emergencies arise, here are the steps you need to take in order to remedy the situation.

Searching The Web

The advent of the creation of local listings in Google, and perhaps other search engines, makes it very easy for local businesses to advertise their services. If you live in the Baltimore area, you will more than likely have the ability to access the services of a dentist that will give emergency help for those that need to have their teeth fixed right away. You can find these dentist advertising on the web, and contact them immediately. Depending upon where you live, and the time of day, you could actually have your problem resolved in a matter of a few hours.

Proximity And Insurance

If you have insurance, you will want to make sure that the dentist takes your particular type. It can get very expensive doing dental work without having insurance to cover the bill. Likewise, you’ll also want to consider location of the dentist, and how far you need to drive. If it is a extreme emergency, one that requires help right away, choose the dentist that offers the fastest service that is in close proximity to your current location. This way, you will be able to take care of your dental problem, have your insurance cover the bill, and get your tooth fixed right away from a dentist that offers emergency services near you.

4 Reasons to Get Root Canal Treatment

An endodontist performing root canal treatmentA root canal is one of those procedures that people are generally afraid of. The thought of having someone go in and extract part of your tooth is more than many people can bear. With that being said, there are several solid reasons to get a root canal, including those mentioned here.

1) It Will Ease Your Pain

The most common fear of a root canal involves the false idea that it is very painful. This is not the case at all. In fact, many people are given roots canals in order to reduce any pain they may be feeling. While the procedure is a bit lengthy and complicated, it is no more painful than having someone fill a cavity.

2) This Controls The Spread Of Infection

If you have an infection at the root of your tooth, leaving it there can cause it to spread to the jaw and gums. Once this happens, there is a possibility that a very painful abscess may form. In extreme cases, the infection can take over your entire system. Once this happens you are at higher risk for strokes and heart disease.

3) It Can Save Your Tooth

When you are told that you need a root canal, you should not hesitate to get it done since waiting around means you may end up losing the entire tooth. Most people think that a root canal involves taking out the entire tooth, but this isn’t the case. The idea behind it is to extract all of the dead pulp in order to promote the health of the rest of the tooth.

4) It Cannot Heal Itself

Some people believe that there is no longer a problem when they do not feel any pain. This is not the case at all. This only means that the problem has crawled back beneath the surface and it will create issues again in the future. There isn’t any reason to put yourself through that if you can be proactive and take care of this as soon as possible.

The thought of having a root canal may seem very frightening to you, but is something that is rather necessary. If you are told that you need to schedule this procedure, it is important that you do so right away. As you were just told, having a root canal has great benefits, so there should be no hesitation.